My travel companions were a bunch of students and teachers from a school in another city. The goal of the trip was to allow the students a chance to practice their English, so most of them were more than happy to test out their English on me. We DROVE all the way from Hungary to Scotland, which took about 2 days straight, but finally we arrived at our little mobile home park just outside of Edinburgh, which was our home base. I shared my trailer with 7 other girls which, as I'm sure you can imagine, was fairly cramped, but all of the girls I stayed with were really sweet and we all got along really well. Because the mobile home was fitted with a kitchen we were taken to the grocery store every 3 days to stock up on food for lunches and dinners, which meant that I actually got to cook my own food instead of having to eat out all week.
Our first full day in Scotland was spent in Glasgow where we visited the transportation museum and an art gallery (the Burrell exhibition) which I hate to admit was really, really boring. Luckily, this fact was made up for a little bit when the Hungarians and I discovered that the park surrounding the gallery contained a group of cows. Watching the Hungarians try to entice the cows to come over for a "Kodak Moment" was absolutley hilarious. We also saw a golden retriever with its owner at the park and apparently there aren't any blonde dogs in Hungary because the poor dog was almost mauled by 15 year olds with cameras. We also visited Linlithgow palace

A few days of the trip were also spent discovering Edinburgh.

Edinburgh is also home to the Royal Yacht Britannia. While the ship is big and beautiful and I enjoyed

1. The growing of a beard whilst serving in the Royal Yacht is permitted provided that the beard is respectable by the time the Standard is broken and the first time it appears in public.
2. The rules are as follows: The granting of a request to discontinue shaving will carry with it an automatic stoppage of leave for 14 days. At the end of this time the beard will be inspected and a further 14 days stoppage may be given. Should the beard still be untidy after 28 days the order to continue shaving will be given. The stoppage of leave applies to members of all sports and recreation parties where there is the slightest chance of meeting anyone outside the Royal Yacht. Requests for leave to take part in representative games will not necessarily be granted.
3. Except for medical reasons a request to continue shaving will not be granted within 6 months of the granting of the request ‘to grow’.
Since the appearance of Royal Yachtsmen in public must be impeccable at all times, permission to grow may be withheld from Quartermasters, boats crews and other Royal Yachtsmen whose duties are likely to take them ashore after the request is made.
I can't imagine being a member of the royal family. If a member of the Britannia crew is held to such high expectations, what kind of expectations must the royal family be held to? I'm not sure I would be able to handle the pressure. And how the heck would anyone ever be able to relax in those kind of circumstances, even on a yacht?
I got the chance to check in with Nessie

I also visited Glenkinchie scotch whiskey

Now that I have finally typed up and posted this note for you, I will be embarking on a brand new voyage tomorrow. I am going to Poland to visit Krakow and Auschwitz with the rest of the Hungarian exchange students. I'm sure that a post all about that trip will show up sooner or later.
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